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Forum Lock Down

Started by sK_Cookie, February 07, 2005, 12:03:14 AM

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Okay folks now that these forums have been up for week with open registration any further registrations will be done through admin validation and required to view these forums. Basically the same way we have the old forums setup.


does the rock smell a smackdown next?
yea though i walk through the valley of death i shall fear no evil for i tread upon the bones of its forefathers


uh what did fudd just say?
Alpha Geek
Premier P.O.S.

"six munths ago I cudn't even spel manejir, now I is one!"

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass ov


LOL, the Rock is a wrestler Muff...


lol an old saying from the wrestler The in what does the rock smell cooking....

just a funny. though it loses something in translation.

and a smackdown is somesort of wrestling thing too...just though the ole cookie had a theme going.
yea though i walk through the valley of death i shall fear no evil for i tread upon the bones of its forefathers


It's even funnier because you are a cook...but you should say "Do you smell what the Fudd is cookin'?".