
Why yes, yes it is still online!

Okay u aspiring pilots....

Started by Blitzkrieg, September 06, 2005, 01:04:15 PM

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First to Balaso.  I would like to try your mission again, with just the two of us if need be, but help would be welcome.  If you recall, my weapons were offline for pretty much the duration of ur mission when we went out that last time.  I think I have figured out what went wrong with my weapons and can avoid a repeat.  All we need you to do is put some big a$$ shields on there.  Your y-wing, if that's your heaviest ship, prolly needs loaded with the heaviest shields you can find and the best armor you can manage, even if you have to step down to tier 3 or 2 weapons to make room.  I have a strategy that should work just fine, we can talk about it when we're on next.

Ditto for Nightbane....  Heavy shields, heavy armor, even if ur weapons can't hit very hard.  The point here is to stay alive long enough for me to take out the fighters.  Use ur Rihxyrk (sp?) for the highest possible mass.  If you don't have one, I'll make one.  If you die, the mission fails, so this will ensure ur survival.  Last resort, if your shields start to fail, in, become stationary.  I can jumpstart your shields but only if ur stopped.  We, too, will discuss strategy at our next opportunity.

To both of you, and anyone else who would like some assistance in progressing thru the upper lvls of pilot, I will make time tonight and/or tomorrow for assisting with these missions.  Just let me know who and when.

Talk to y'all later.



I'm up for it this evening I think. I have a short open house at my daughters school, then a little bit of cleaning to do. after that I'm set.
MURPHEY'S LAW: Anything that can go wr...+\#&\% Bus Error -- Core Dumped


right on. tonight would be cool. before 10 though.

"His mission is imperial thats why i CANT shoot 'em ya f*** head" - BLitz


senior monstruo de'la'galleta offers his services as well even though he would be missing out on millions of xp.  And who says monstruo doesnt help other people.  shame on them... cough... balaso.  lol.  all kidding aside I would be happy to help.