
Why yes, yes it is still online!

Still in shock. 20 minutes later...

Started by Nightbane, March 23, 2005, 02:31:29 AM

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March 23, 2005, 02:31:29 AM Last Edit: March 23, 2005, 02:34:29 AM by Nightbane

Yes that is a Krayt Ancient. at about 150m from his big ass.  that second screenshot, the fucker was standing ON a house.... you guys werent kidding....

I first went to Justice to see one out there... but all i got was canion krayts. those werent that impressive. so i decided to go to the krayt graveyard, the closest accessable city was northstar. i hadn't even left the city when i came across these two...

As i was riding out, i came across something that looked like a wall, but then turned and looked and it moved, then stood up, and then proceeded to whip my tiny little ass. one hit half everything. so i went back to the shuttle port and re-genned. then slowly went out to get a screenshot. All i can say is im suprised as hell i made it through the experience.

"His mission is imperial thats why i CANT shoot 'em ya f*** head" - BLitz



lol cryptic since they increased the krayt dragon spawn you see about 30 to 40 krayts per trip to tat.  Man they are everywhere now.  And all around the graveyard is nothing but rows and rows of houses kinda like the just outside Coronet.


hows the market for pearls are they still 4-5mil apiece?


Nope....flawless and premiums can still sell for about that... but, for the most part, the pearls are selling for 1-3mil....  the problem with krayts now is not that they're so hard to kill, its that there's so many of them, its tough to pick on just one...specially around the graveyard.  There's an area down by jabba's palace where they spawn in smaller groups, but the loot from down there tends to be of the lower grade stuff....for krayt loot anyway.

Down with WoW!! Long live SWG!!



well if WoW doesnt quit acting like sony i might have to quit playing mmo's altogether


what do you mean what is happing in wow.