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Some pics from last night in space

Started by sK_Cookie, February 27, 2005, 08:36:47 AM

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February 27, 2005, 12:47:57 PM #1 Last Edit: February 27, 2005, 12:48:53 PM by Balaso
Herte are a few I took. Pics are kinda big, I was too lazy to resize them. There are 11 of them, use the arrow next to the pics at the top to scroll.
MURPHEY'S LAW: Anything that can go wr...+\#&\% Bus Error -- Core Dumped


thanks for posting those balaso btw I like darigans long probe.  I like how the engines are raised up on the sides kind of a unique design.


yea though i walk through the valley of death i shall fear no evil for i tread upon the bones of its forefathers


you will have to change those pictures soon. now that im no longer rebel pilot but freelance. i will be getting my dunelizard soon.

"His mission is imperial thats why i CANT shoot 'em ya f*** head" - BLitz


February 28, 2005, 07:14:34 PM #5 Last Edit: February 28, 2005, 07:16:46 PM by Blitzkrieg
okay....first off, balaso, i very much like the pic of the firespray.....

secondly, i took a couple shots of going head-to-head with the star destroyer....enjoy

Star Destroyer
Little Closer...
Little Too Close

Will catch some more later i'm sure....

Blitz (aka Blitza, Blotza, and Salek)


well its official im one mission away from being 4-4-4-4 and then my master pilot missions and then blitza I will have a pretty KSE too.

We rock!!!!


Only ppl who used the in-game economy to purchase a KSE rock!!  lol....

Oh....and how long have u had urs?  and how many times have u flown it now?  lol.....

Sry to give u such a hard time.....  nuthin but luv buddy....



lol  now that I can make money rather easy space grinding using ingame money is not going to be the problem.


*cries* I miss SWG. Ah well, it's the weekend again so I should get time to play.
MURPHEY'S LAW: Anything that can go wr...+\#&\% Bus Error -- Core Dumped


March 05, 2005, 05:56:54 PM #10 Last Edit: March 05, 2005, 09:50:21 PM by Balaso
Guess who visited Theed today? It was a very short but cool visit. The storm troopers with him were in black and gold armor and can move VERY fast. He spat out some propaganda and then left. I feel sorry for the declared rebel that happened to be dueling in front of the starport. The troopers lit his world up.

If our browser automatically resizes the pic down, reenlarge it so you can see. The pic is pretty large.

Vader 1

Vader 2

Vader 3
MURPHEY'S LAW: Anything that can go wr...+\#&\% Bus Error -- Core Dumped


March 07, 2005, 05:08:10 PM #11 Last Edit: March 07, 2005, 05:10:33 PM by Nightbane
uh. wow. i wasnt aware that Vader was on this game. so will the "war" in the game ever be over? and will the imperials really shoot any rebel or jedi they see on sight? that gave me chills yall... and wait... why werent you dead? and the other two rebels...

"His mission is imperial thats why i CANT shoot 'em ya f*** head" - BLitz


you cant attack them and they can attack you.  Also balaso is on leave with the rebel faction meaning that until he declares he or is scanned he wont be attacked.