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Finally back from the sea

Started by Connors, February 03, 2005, 01:09:04 PM

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Hello to all,
A little later than planned but after 30 days at sea from Hampton VA to Beaufort, NC, Charleston, SC, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, Key West, Fl back to Lauderdale and charleston, the boat is now out of the water in Wilmington, NC with a big ass hole in the hull after dropping off the backside of the biggest wave I've ever seen up close in the gulf stream.

Hoping to play some golf soon although I'm sure you've all moved to the PGA


Hey welcome back Connors!  Dont forget we still play RvS. ;)   Just hop on vent when you get a chance.  Cya soon!


Pho, The Inactive.



sup dude welcome back how was your voyage?  so wait you put a hole in your boat out at sea? did you sink?


I would imagine that he scuttled the boat.


<----always in awe of our seafaring shadow-knight..

wow adrenialin?

welcome back and safe voyage!
yea though i walk through the valley of death i shall fear no evil for i tread upon the bones of its forefathers


when i grow up I wanna be a seamen like connors!!! :D

welcome back Connors!! sounds like you had an exiting trip!!!  


a hole in your boat?>???  wow... how big was the wave/Swell....  ??? even if it was only a 14foot wave on a 20 foot swell that is big wave in a sailboat.   glad you made it back.
Alpha Geek
Premier P.O.S.

"six munths ago I cudn't even spel manejir, now I is one!"

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass ov


Wasn't my boat, just a 2 month job I took to manage this guys race boat for a couple of races in Florida.  1st was a race from Lauderdale to Key West and the othe was a week of day racing in Key West, usually 2-3 races a day.  Crack happened on the way home but the pumps were able to keep up with the water.  I know it sounds like a big vacation, but sailing in 20-30mph winds when the air temp is in the 30's just plain sucks,  made some decent $$$ though but not enough to be away from family for 37 days.  

Played RVS yesterday, wow I suck worse than ever


crazy times... sounds like a lot of cold and wet... that isn't good.  
Alpha Geek
Premier P.O.S.

"six munths ago I cudn't even spel manejir, now I is one!"

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass ov


lol man that sucks.  btw nice sig torch.  Looks like the ones I make.